Daigle Bites

Daigle Bites
Ever heard the term 'All that glitters isn't gold?' Well, Daigle Bites podcast defies that, as everything it dishes out is pure sonic gold. Its host is none other than the Grammy award-winning songbird Lauren Daigle, who swapped microphones for headphones to interact more intimately with her fans globally. Combining mesmerizing stories and inspiring life lessons, she offers listeners a ticket to join her on the rollercoaster that is her life. Adored by admirers of feel-good music, uplifting narratives, and positive vibes, Daigle Bites is a hearty serving of inspiration and entertainment. Notable episodes include "Look Up Child – The Stories Behind the Album." Prepare for aural enchantment; this podcast is sugar, spice, and all things nice! And remember, each bite's worth the hype.
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