KunstlerCast Suburban Sprawl A Tragic Comedy

KunstlerCast Suburban Sprawl A Tragic Comedy
Welcome to the KunstlerCast: Suburban Sprawl, A Tragic Comedy, the podcast that paints the burbs in a hilariously tragic light! Hosted by urban gadfly, James Howard Kunstler, this is your suburban wakeup call- drenched in wit and dripping with sarcasm. Kunstler serves suburban myths on a platter for his audience who are ex-urbanites, urbanites and wannabe-urbanites searching for the truth behind the picket fences. Find hilarity in episodes like 'The Great American McMansion Disaster' as Kunstler turns the microscope on our cookie-cutter culture. Dive-in, folks, if you're ready to laugh and learn about the clown-car convoy that is suburban sprawl. But remember, keep that laughter on the down-low, we wouldn't want to disturb the neighbours, would we?
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