Little Gold Men by Vanity Fair

Little Gold Men by Vanity Fair
"Little Gold Men by Vanity Fair is the ritzy, glitzy podcast brought to you by the same folks who have made snooping around Hollywood a high art form. Co-hosted by an engaging squad of film boffins, this podcast is like eavesdropping on cocktail gossip between the industry insiders. If ever there was a podcast that said ‘red carpet’, it's this one! With glamour and intrigue worthy of an Oscar, it's designed to entertain the cinematic enthusiast and the starry-eyed dreamer alike. From riveting interviews with Tinseltown's bigwigs to forecasting Oscar winners with a crystal ball's accuracy, Little Gold Men is 'THE' maestro of everything Hollywood. So sit back, pop open that bubbly and enjoy a front-row seat to the magic and madness of the silver screen. There’s no business like show business, folks!"
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