Music to my Ears

Music to my Ears
Say hello to 'Music to my Ears,' a symphony of a podcast that tickles your auditory taste-buds with melodies across genres. Your host, a retired rocker, knows his way around the synth and strings. The co-host, a musicologist with an appetite for trivia, ensures the conversations are note-perfect. From Bach to The Beatles, this podcast orchestrates the intricate world of music for keen listeners. So, you're the target audience if 'Do Re Mi' isn't just an obscure line from Sound of Music for you. Tune in as they dissect legendary anthems, divulge secret band stories, and dig into what makes a No.1 single. It’s like a backstage pass for your ears, minus the spilled beer. One standout episode, "The Mirth of Mozart," will leave you LOL-ing over Ludwig. ‘Music to my Ears' - because a day without music is flat.
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