Real Men Connect with Dr Joe Martin - Christian Men Podcast

Real Men Connect with Dr Joe Martin - Christian Men Podcast
"Real Men Connect with Dr Joe Martin is a Christian Men's Podcast that's a real game-changer. Connect with Dr. Joe as he hangs up his academia hat and ditches the lecture hall for lively, man-to-man chats in your ears. This is a spiritual locker room, where men face their fears and faith head-on, without an ounce of pretension. Are you a guy having a crisis, seeking courage, or just in need of a Christian bro-hug? Doc Joe's got your back! One standout episode features a chat with someone who's fumbled on life's goal line, but still scored big with God. The message? It's okay not to be the MVP, bro. So shield your egos, grab your headphones, and prepare for soulful introspection with Dr. Joe. It's like Christian boot camp… but with less sweating."
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