Revelation Wellness - Healthy and Whole

Revelation Wellness - Healthy and Whole
Step into your sneakers and gear up for a wellness revelation with 'Revelation Wellness - Healthy and Whole'! Hosted by fitness extraordinaire, Alisa Keeton, this podcast brandishes the mighty kettlebell of holistic health, swinging between physical and spiritual wellness. Tailored for all you health nuts and Scripture buffs, it fuses biblical teachings with fitness tips for an exhilarating combo—think 'Psalms meet Pilates'! Expect soul-stirring chats with expert guests, nourishing Bible studies, and even high-energy workout playlists. Its pièce de résistance? The episode 'Calm, Cool, Collected: Living from Rest'. Spoiler: You'll learn to plié past stress and salsa straight into serenity. So, are you ready for a divine workout revelation? If so, this podcast is your health confessional—just confess, you can't resist!
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