Tech News Weekly

Tech News Weekly
Tech News Weekly: a podcast that's like your daily dose of digital vitamins! Hosted by techno-whizzes who enthusiastically chomp through the latest tech news like Pac-Man on power pellets. Our dynamic duo, Jason Howell and Mikah Sargent, ditched their Silicon Valley day jobs to be full-time nerdy Nostradamuses, predicting, discussing, and dissecting the future of tech. They want to share the secrets of the cyber-universe with everyone! So whether you’re a fellow tech-head or a curious technophobe, buckle up and tune in. You'll love episodes like Quantum Computing for Mortals – a deep dive into tech's next big thing. Expect circuit-breaking intel and Wi-Fi wisdom. It’s like hacking the Matrix, just without the legal implications! Come join our digital revolution today.
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