The Anxiety Coaches Podcast

The Anxiety Coaches Podcast
Buckle up, worry-warts! Welcome to The Anxiety Coaches Podcast: the lighthearted road to tranquility. Masterminded by anxiety-relief SHERPA, Gina Ryan, this podcast is your new, serene clipboard for life. Gina, ditched her old career to become a calming voice in the background of your 'Oh, crap, is my heart always this fast?' moments. This sweet sonnet of serenity serves peace-crumbs to all you anxious bunnies out there. Gina dishes out panic-squashing tips, mindful magic and guests who have ridden the anxiety wave and lived to calm the tale. Unmissable episode? 'Releasing Perfectionism and Approval Seeking Behaviors’. After all, who needs perfection when you've got a podcast as soothing as a warm mug of chamomile tea? Tune in, tune out and pacify the panic!
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