The Dropout

The Dropout
"The Dropout? More like the 'drop-everything-you're-doing-and-listen,' am I right? In an epic saga of ambition gone awry, this podcast takes a hard look at Elizabeth Holmes and her billion-dollar start-up, Theranos. Rebecca Jarvis of ABC News takes you on a wild roller-coaster ride of deception, inflated promises, and serious turtlenecks. Targeting anyone who loves a good investigative narrative, techie enthusiasts, or anyone with an insatiable curiosity for start-up blunders. It offers an enticing blend of business, technology, and scandal, as it unravels an intrigue so gripping, it makes your morning commute feel like an episode of Sherlock. From boardroom battles to heartbreaking personal stories, prepare for in-depth interviews, unheard deposition tapes, and more. And remember, folks, it's all fun and games until someone falsifies a lab test!"
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