The Smartest Man in the World

The Smartest Man in the World
"The Smartest Man in the World" is a pod-castanet where comedian Greg Proops plays the intellectual matador, deftly dodging the bull of ignorance. It's an elegant tango for those with a twinkle in their neurons. Proops, armed with his wit sharper than a porcupine on a rollercoaster, stirs up a humorous commotion in topics from politics to pop culture. Perfect for the ever-curious and slightly sardonic listener. Convince your brain that it's attending laughter yoga while secretly feeding it wisdom as Proops prances through a spectrum of subjects. Some highlights? Try "Vegans and Valentines," where Proops swirls veganism, love, and humor into a giggly cocktail. Brains, prepare to belly laugh! Welcome to "The Smartest Man in the World" podcast, where comedy and intellect do the cha-cha.
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