Analog Hole Gaming

Analog Hole Gaming
Analog Hole Gaming, a madcap concoction of gaming, geek culture, and tech tangents! Born from the minds of Mike, Chris, and Christy who decided to channel their undying love for controller-clicking and keyboard-clattering into this hilariously addictive podcast. Have a proclivity for nip-slips in Videogame character modelling? Or an uncensored passion for glitches in your favorite MMO? Analog Hole Gaming serves such thoroughly unfiltered content, tickling the geeky underbelly of society. With Mike as the walking tech encyclopedia, Chris as the ever-reliable comic strip, and Christy, who would make the best latte whilst decimating aliens in Halo. It's a retro-video game blowout packaged cheekily under their motto: Keeping ESRB on their toes - one game at a time! Do you game hard? Then, hit play!
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