Learning and Living

Learning and Living
Buckle up for a rollicking good time with "Learning and Living" - a podcast that squares dance between the worlds of education and daily life. Your fearless guides? Two lifelong learners with an insatiable craving for wisdom - and a strong affinity for donuts! This giggle-inducing, thought-provoking show makes trudging through life's labyrinth an engaging escapade. Aimed at pedal-to-the-metal people who thrive on growth, this podcast covers topics ranging from quirky quantum theories to making the perfect coffee at home. In the riveting episode "Ode to Oddball", guest star Aristotle Applesauce teaches you that it's alright to rock that boat when everyone else is docking. Take it from us, this is one stops learning shop that'll leave you hungry for more... and maybe another donut!
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