Thankful Homemaker A Christian Homemaking Podcast

Thankful Homemaker A Christian Homemaking Podcast
Get ready to feed your soul with the Thankful Homemaker - a podcast hotter than a just-baked apple pie and as warm as a Sunday morning! Hosted by Marci Ferrell, a woman who’s proven to know her way around a broom as much as she does around the gospel. Her renowned homemaking wisdom is dished out with a generous side of Christian faith, aiming to guide both domestic divas and spiritual seekers. This podcast is your guide to a harmonious home, a satisfied spirit and a well-stocked larder. Dive into episodes like 'Cultivating a Heart of Contentment’ to find out that perfect homemaking isn’t all about getting the dust bunnies out of the corners, but also putting little crosses in all the right heart spaces!
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