The Daily Show: Ears Edition

The Daily Show: Ears Edition
Welcome to the "comical classroom" of The Daily Show: Ears Edition! The self-proclaimed professor of political satire, Trevor Noah, hosts this witty podcast, unleashing hilarious insights on topical news and politics. The show includes extended interviews from The Daily Show's guests: a hotchpotch of celebrities, authors, and newsmakers. Packed with funny punchlines but also heaps of truth, the podcast tickles your funny bone as well as your brain cells. Targeted at a news-savvy audience with a funny streak, this "class" offers new perspectives on world affairs. So, step into Trevor Noah's satirical schoolhouse and discover a world where laughter truly is the best education. Fair warning, though; you might end up laughing so hard you'll need to pause your jog during your morning podcast session. Bing did mention carrying extra oxygen!
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