The Medical School Podcast

The Medical School Podcast
'The Medical School Podcast is your one-stop-shop to getting your medical degree without losing all your hair. Our perspicacious, somewhat jocular hosts are anonymous medical school students who've made it their mission to pluck out the juicy bits of the med school journey and serve it to you on a platter. Whether you're a brave first-year student, trying to keep your sanity in check, or a resident looking for comic relief in-between surgeries, these podcast maestros have got your back. Be prepared for sage advice, tongue-in-cheek humor, and tantalizing tales from the ER trenches. A dash of wisdom, a pinch of wit - your perfect textbook antidote. Their episode 'Fighting the Freeze Response', guest-starring Dr. Ima Favor, is particularly enlightening, tackling med school stress with a surprisingly cheerful spin. Explore, learn, and laugh with 'The Medical School Podcast.'
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