The Running for Real Podcast

The Running for Real Podcast
Catch a ride with "The Running for Real Podcast" for the ultimate running companion. Think of host Tina Muir as your friendly neighborhood running buddy, who's ditched her elite runner shoes to jog through the podcasting world. Not just for the spandex crowd, this podcast is perfect for anyone attempting to outrun their problems or just wanting to keep fit. With an impressive lineup of guests, you'll pick up more running tips than you can shake a shoelace at. From "Why Speed Work Doesn't Suck", featuring coach Tom Schwartz, to episodes about the joy of pain-free running, this podcast goes the extra mile. So what are you waiting for? Lace-up, tune in and let "The Running for Real Podcast" sprint its way into your heart. Word of caution: side effects may include motivation spikes and a sudden urge to sign up for a marathon!
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