The Secret Lives of Black Women

The Secret Lives of Black Women
Imagine a salon, where two charming, brilliant ladies dish out candid conversations on culture, career, and most importantly, self-care. Welcome to 'The Secret Lives of Black Women' podcast, where the hosts, Charla Lauriston and Lauren Domino, decided to exchange letter writing for microphone sharing. It's like baring the soul of Black womanhood to us all, in weekly installments. They share the excitement and practical realities that come with being a Black woman in today's world. The show is aimed at everyone, but mostly Black women hungering for a real connection. Each episode highlights conversations with inspiring black women, who are all champions in their fields. One episode, 'Blavity & Self-care', featuring guest Morgan DeBaun, promises to fill you to the brim with empowerment. Basically, plug in for a healthy dose of truth, resilience, and plenty of laughter.
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