Up and Running With Lauren and Abby

Up and Running With Lauren and Abby
"Fasten your joggers, you're in for a sprint with 'Up and Running With Lauren and Abby'. This podcast is the brainchild of two passionate runners, Lauren and Abby, who swapped sprint tracks for soundwaves. Primed for fitness-fanatics, couch potatoes looking for inspiration, and everyone in-between, their show is a running commentary (pun intended!) on all things endurance sports. From teasing out the science behind that sweet 'Runner's High', to interviewing athletes who make marathons look like a stroll in the park, they've got you covered. So, lace up your trainers and plug in those earbuds – this show guarantees a personal best in running know-how. Favourite episode? 'The Tortoise and The Hare Revisited', where they settle once and for all which running speed wins the race. Catch you on the flip side!"
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