WhatCulture Gaming

WhatCulture Gaming
Tune into 'WhatCulture Gaming' podcast, a virtual playground hosted by a gaggle of game-obsessed Brits, who are just as playful as the games they cover. Here the team muse over every pc, console and mobile game released, turning them inside out, like a toddler with a new plaything. The jokes fly faster than bullets in a first-person shooter game, and the insights dive deeper than a submarine sim. Whether you're a casual Candy-Crusher or veteran Vault Hunter, this podcast will tickle your thumbs and your funny bone! From discussing 'The Dark Truth Behind Sonic' to going deep into 'Why Arkham Knight Failed', it’s a cheat code to gaming culture. Level up your commute, work-out, or laundry folding with WhatCulture Gaming. Dive in, and remember, it's not game over until they say so!
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